Jon Markovic talks about a number of the factors that inspired him to create HeartWorkVideo..


“Following a successful management career in large corporations (including Kellogg’s and McVitie’s) over three decades, I have felt for a long time that being able to express myself creatively and authentically had been missing from my working life.

So I decided to transform my longstanding passion for photography and film-making (I don’t know whether videography is a real word..) into a second career.

I love working one-to-one with people, and set out to bring together my skills in defining and delivering a project brief, my background in business management and my digital imaging expertise.

HeartWorkVideo aims to provide a bespoke and complete solution for small business owners who, like me, want to communicate and share the ethos and heart behind their business, and who could do with a little creative support and production to do so.

HeartWorkVideo is my new small business, through which I take great pride in listening to my clients talking about their needs, and in developing original video and photographic solutions to meet those needs.  

The technical process of video production leads to the final product, but the essence of this business (and the real reason I set it up) is the pleasure and creativity of working in partnership with clients to hear and help refine their needs, and find the best way to meet them.

Where other video production companies may offer more highly professionalized organisations with greater scale and capabilities, as well as volcanic mineral water and a team of Creative Directors (plus the odd beret thrown in at no charge), our service offering is practical, personal, and excellent value.

HeartWorkVideo is a small business, focusing on quality of product and service, and I aim to keep it that way. I expect to undertake most commissions personally, but am able to call on a small network of very talented associates and colleagues who are available to support on complex or larger scale commisions and with specialist skills as/when needed.

At HeartWorkVideo, we offer sensible, flexible and well grounded business practice, with clarity of thought, and the highest quality of support, service and product.

HeartWorkVideo is a trading name of Heartwork Services Ltd., a private limited company registered in England as Company Number 10503861, and whose registered address is 57 Chandos Avenue London N20 9EE