So.. how does it all work, then?

These are the steps in the process:

Our relationship always starts with an introductory conversation, typically taking half an hour.

This is free of any charge or obligation, and we use this time to discuss your needs and requirements, and explore how we can offer a solution that is best able to  meet those needs.

We will write out the key aspects of our discussion in a written brief and fee proposal for your approval.

Here’s an example, on the right..

The timescales and pricing will depend on the complexity of your brief, and once approved, the brief will become the specification of what we will produce for you.

Planning in advance of the filming process is a key part of getting it right first time. This requires coordinating in terms of scripts, wardrobe, degree of formality, filming locations and dates / timings etc..

Rather than focus on the intimidating process of ‘filming’, we meet and converse with you in an informal and friendly way about your and their business. The camera is left running in the background, and is quickly forgotten as we become engaged in a conversation about a subject that interests us both.

The editing process leads to a draft version of your video work posted on a private webpage for your review and comments.

All necessary changes to the first cut of the film are actioned and when you are satisfied, the final version is released to you for use on your website and social media.


Our initial discussion to clarify your needs is at no charge and is free of any obligation.

We will aim to offer you a service that fully meets your needs, and will confirm the cost and all other details in our proposal.

The cost quoted will be based on our expectations of the time involved in producing the finished video, and this will be dependent on the complexity of your requirement and the amount of preparation needed, as we will have discussed..

As an example, a short and simple video presentation such as a testimonial could cost as little as £350, and unit prices reduce if more than one piece can be filmed and made at a time.